Friday, July 27, 2012

Well that's embarrassing.

So I was left with the turkey timer image after finishing up that case. We then would tie the arms up with a hospital gown so they were in the proper place lying on their abdomen for the viewing, place their head on a styrofoam head block and slightly turn it to the right (viewing) side, cover them with another sheet and put them in the smaller embalmed reefer to firm up from the fluid. What happened to that boner you ask? Well, they usually subsided after the pressure was taken off the vein and some fluid was released. Most morticians never leave the vein intact while embalming. The open up the vein to allow drainage of the blood so embalming fluid will take its place, doing so usually never lets an erection happen. Helen was special in that way making sure all body parts received an ample amount of fluid. It was the deceased's one last hoorah you may say. The next day, Ben was giving me the opportunity to go on some first-calls with him!