Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Since we are talking about pets....

While on the topic of pets we can talk about cats. I love all animals so don't get me wrong, but cats are the devil! I didn't get a chance to go on the call but I had to prepare a body to go to the crematory for cremation. This one just went in our cardboard box and no one was going to view her so we check their ID and then take a picture to save on our hard drive just in case someone thinks we didn't cremate the right person. When I pulled back the sheet to snap the photo I about puked. Have you ever seen the Batman movie, the old one with Tommy Lee Jones as the joker? Well, this woman looked a billion times worse than that. She had died, her cat got hungry and had eaten off her lips! It was like she was permanently smiling to some inside joke. It's one thing to see the horror movie where the zombie has half the flesh on their faces eaten off but this was disgusting. There she laid in front of me showing these large teeth and nothing there to cover then. For as long as I live I will see that image of the young woman lying in her cremation box smiling with no choice.

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